Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seasonal contemplations

[ The first rain is superbly inspiring. A by-product of the same]

Drops of rain,

Chilling to the core

A swift breeze dousing you in a fragrance

Shivers and sighs,

Clinging fabrics

An explosion of green greeting the eyes

Puddles and splashes

Children’s laughter brightening the streets

Thrilling thunderstorms

And then the lightening, lighting up dark corners,

That tiny fear of revelation

Then the ringing laugh of security

Waterfalls down the hillsides

A million birds chirping at a moment’s respite

Grumbles and groans

At the tiniest indication of the mundane

Spicy scents from every neighborhood shop

Tantalizing the senses further

Unexplained hunger

Satiated by little, by few

Prospects of expeditions

Of adventure

And then of returning home

To a warm bath

Deep philosophical contemplations

Over liquid pleasures

Emotions unveiled through cryptic words.

Invitations to interact

Or implications of solitude

Smiles tears groans moans

Together with the world, or completely alone

1 comment:

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

oh good one again!
damn it, how'd i miss writing something this time? something's wrong with me...the first rains and i could not think of anything to write about! nothing!!!i guess happiness doesnt bode well for poetry...ah well...there shall be others!