Wednesday, September 2, 2009


[ Was wondering what it would be like to delve into the mind of an addict. It is way easier than I had ever anticipated. After all, aren't we all addicted to something, someone perhaps?]

Restless, shifty eyed, unstable, unsteady

Move over world, i think I am ready

The clock chimes 12 no sleep yet

There's sweat on my forehead, clothes dripping wet

Joyous thoughts of a pleasant feel

Runs through my mind like a movie reel

Longing transcends every other emotion

My body craves for that familiar elation

The mind forewarns of trials unknown

Of regrets, of fears, of being alone

And yet the soul reaches out

And tries its best to wipe all doubt

Deviated intentions and intense desire

To escape life's hellish fire

Led me to a quiet solace

It takes me to a different place

I give in to the devil's charm

Pull it close, much to sanity's alarm

One brief moment does pass by

And the next I start to fly...