Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Ring

 Hold me, surround me in  that flaming circle

Douse the fire and bind me in that ring

The ring which once was of hope

Now tenders only sorrow

The yesterdays have swallowed my tomorrow

That fire that once was mine

Is now replaced by a cold nothingness

The ring has lost its shine

But it keeps its iron hold

The entrapment is now sevenfold

Slowly the burning embers move to where it rightfully should

And though my best sense agrees, my heart feels wronged

I should let go, but the ring prohibits

And the love limits

My powers of self recovery

The ring holds me in a tight bondage

Drowns me in “What ifs”, in numbness

Yet in pain

It lets me not refrain

Against that, which hurts me so

Against him, that my pain does not know

Perhaps I shall fight, I am sure I must

Till I can do no more than bite the dust.


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

Hmmmm...trying not to read too much into the poem!

ME!! said...

Lol !!!! Don't...!!!

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

hehe... it's a little difficult if you're an amateur poet! but like i said, i'm trying!